Destroy the Mastis!!!
* 2011-12-29 - 7:38 a.m. *

I'm trying to make this entry from my new iPad that my sweetums gave me for Xmas. It's not easy without a keyboard but I think I'm doing ok so far.
Mike surprised me with this and an iPhone 4g s. Love them both a ton. I think he's trying to appease my inner techie.
I am on day three of antibiotics for ANOTHER bout of mastitis. The first time I was able to fight it off on my own. This time it got really serious with a fever and body aches. I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow. I was so sick. So I called the doc and she gave me a script.
The pain is still intense but I can at least pump without any problems and I managed to loosen up th blockage. It came out like a thick stringy substance. Ick!!!
Well I have kids to take care of and coffee to drink.
X out.

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