2 year wedding anniversary
* 2009-02-13 - 9:26 a.m. *

Tomorrow Mike and I will be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary.
In April it will be three years since we met.
In May it will be 4 years since I was liberated from my ex-husband.
And in August it will be 4 years since all of the toxicity in my life disappeared and my journey of self healing began.
I realized the other day, as I was snuggled with my puppy on the couch, that I am completely emotionally healed.
My emotional baggage has been put to the curve, never to be seen again.
Which makes me wonder if my being in remission is a permanent thing.
I became sick during the affair. So obviously my stress was affecting me at a cellular level. Maybe now that I�m emotionally cured my body is cured as well?!
Wouldn�t that be wonderful?

My hypnobirth classes are going so well. It�s amazing how powerful the brain is. Wednesday I was able to create numbness in my hand and move it to other parts of my body. I touched my cheek and I swear it felt like I was injected with Novocain. It�s also very healing. I meditate at least twice a day and I feel so relaxed and comfortable. My sleep is restful and I�m just happy over all.
I�m thinking I have about 5-6 weeks left before I birth my angel girl. Just a feeling I have. I wonder if it�s intuition or wishful thinking? I just want to hold my baby.

Tonight Mike and I are going to a coed passion party, tomorrow we�re going to spoil each other rotten and tomorrow night his band is playing.
Sunday is our baby shower followed by Mike�s mom�s birthday dinner. Busy, busy weekend!!!!

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