30 days
* 2007-07-16 - 4:52 p.m. *

I could never imagine myself doing the things I�ve been doing lately. Not in a million years.
Little, introverted, socially awkward me.
Ok, I�m not totally socially awkward. Just slightly. Well, I had my reasons. *grin*
Now I�m going out. Making friends. Introducing myself to complete strangers. I actually WELCOME meeting new people.
Like this weekend Mike and I were at a friend�s wedding (more on that later) and I introduced myself to a young lady that was standing on her own looking slightly out of sorts. I learned that she was at the wedding by herself and had no idea where to sit. Well of course I invited her to our table. She was grateful and the conversation went really well.
The old me would have felt sorry for her but avoided eye contact and pretended I didn�t see her unless she initiated contact first.
Not that I�m stuck up or anything like that. I would just be too shy and too awkward to actually say hello.
How foolish�I know, but that�s just how I normally operate.
I give a lot of credit to Mike and his way of coaxing me out of my shell. But a lot of this has to do with my own determination to be a more outgoing person.
I�ve been listening to these self help tapes. It�s like, �30 days to an empowering life� or something like that. I don�t really know who this guy is but Mike is a strong believer in his methods and I thought I would give them a try. Not only do I want to be more out going but I want to be a �go getter�. I want be less of a procrastinator. It�s day six and so far it�s doing the trick.
This guy is amazing. I�ll have to give you details tomorrow because I really can�t remember his name off the top of my head.
What he talks about is how to talk yourself into being who you want to be and how you want to feel. It�s amazing�.

Anyway, the wedding. The guy friend that got married this weekend is a mutual friend that Mike and I had for years before we even met.
He drummed in my first band and did some stuff with Mike�s band afterward. He met his wife the same week that Mike and I met. We got engaged the same week and got married in the same year. They are a couple that are ALMOST as amazing as Mike and I are. *wink*
I�m just so happy for them.

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