The Bo is getting Peeped
* 2008-05-29 - 2:42 p.m. *

I�m taking Little Bo in to get her fixed tomorrow. I�m not thrilled about it but I know it has to be done.
So Mike�s taking her in first thing in the morning and I�ll be picking her up after work. My poor baby girl.
Buddy (he gave her to us) wants us to change our minds about getting her spayed because he thinks she would be an amazing show dog and should be bred, and all that other horseshit.
I don�t mean to be offensive to any breeders that might be out there but Mike and I are barely cut out to be dog owners, there is no way would could handle a litter of puppies. And did I tell you that she already has a boyfriend that we need to keep as far away from her as possible.
Butch. The very studly golden retriever that lives next door. He�s been wooing her for a few months now. He taps on our glass door so that Little Bo can come out and play. I give them treats and he always givers her half of his. I swear�.they just stand and lick each other sometimes. Butch is a show dog, so he�s not fixed�.I wonder what a sheep dog, golden retriever mix would look like�.They definitely would be good natured and excellent with children.
No chance entertaining that idea.
Well, I�m officially off the birth control.
I�m also off the artificial sweeteners, alcohol and caffeine (kinda).
The caffeine is still a work in progress. Not that I can�t go on without it. That�s not the problem. No the problem is that I love the way coffee tastes and I like to have a cup once in a while.
I think I�ve only had one cup of coffee this week and not because I really needed it either. I just wanted to make yummy iced coffee beverage for my new, totally awesome, sbux cup!!
It looks like an iced venti cup but it�s hard plastic and wonderful. So wonderful that I ended up buying two of them. A few of my coworkers want to buy a timeshare on my cup. I agreed but I didn�t think they were serious.
I�m now a few dollars richer and one of my cups will be out of my hands next week.
Well, I�ll talk to ya�ll later.

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