Easter and Poop
* 2013-03-31 - 7:05 a.m. *

Happy Easter!!
Livy woke me, "Mommy what are those baskets on the entertainment center?"
Crap! I was supposed to get up early and put them in their rooms. I worked the pre-closing shift at the Bux last night and was dead tired when I got home. I slept 9.5 hours uninterrupted, I must have been exhausted.
I need coffee.
I can't believe how tired I've been lately. It must be the tail end of this cold kicking my butt.
I know this particular virus really messed with my children.
We ended up taking Livy to the hospital on Sunday because she was pooping white. I mean white bread white! I did a search on google and all the sites were pointing to liver failure. So, I took my little one in.
She wasn't jaundice and she seemed happy, just a little down from her cold. The doctor explained that the virus probably effected her liver to keep it from producing bile therefore making her poop white. "She should be fine in a couple of days.". I didn't freak out as much when Emmy started doing it.
Both kids are normal and all is well in the world.

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