Fall 2012
* 2012-10-06 - 6:54 a.m. *

Well now...
I know, I've kinda vanished.
It's the same story with my social life; vanished.
I wake up at 3am, go to work, get the kids, make lunch, clean the house, do a load of laundry, make snack, play with the girls, make dinner, clean up, spend an hour with the the hubby( on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays) and die for the night at around 9pm.
That schedule varies, depending on my days off.
Although I miss my hubby and my friends, I'm still pretty happy. Except right now because Livy is throwing a tantrum because I'm not paying attention to her. *rolls eyes*
This summer has been a little hectic.
Emily: had her surgery and recovered really well. She has a tiny scar on her face but I'm using Mederma and it's starting to fade. She will be turning one next Thursday and she is already walking. She even says a few things, her favorite word being "milk". She also says, all done, more, banana, and mama and dada.
Livy: went to summer school and did really well but I'm not ready to send her to 3-k so we will wait until she is 4 before we send her to school. She is such a great kid and an incredible big sister. I'm so proud of her.
Mike: hasn't been doing as well. He does karaoke twice a week and the band plays out once or twice a weekend. He's exhausted all of the time and when he gets sick, he is unable to shake it. He had a vasectomy, so no more babies(thank God), and my poor love is a little rough. We don't get as much alone time, but we try to make up for it when we can. I am so grateful that our bedroom door locks.
Me: well I swear I've aged 5 years, although I still get carded when I go out, which no longer annoys me like it used to. My health kinda went down hill after I tried to lose some baby weight. I was eating processed diet food and it totally messed with my system. So I cut gluten out of my diet and I'm doing awesome. I even lost a few pounds without even trying!
I feel fantastic and I've been decluttering our home. You can not believe the amount of useless crap we have accumulated over the years.
Emily is awake now! Got to go!

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