Mike's Dad
* 2014-02-20 - 3:28 p.m. *

Mike's dad isn't doing well. We took him into the ER with what we thought was serious phnemonia. Come to find out it's congestive heart failure. They aren't sure what is causing his heart to be so weak. They first thought it was from a blockage but none turned up. They did find a few small masses in his lungs. He's a smoker and has been most of his adult life. It's more than likely cancer and the cancer could be what is causing his heart to fail. Nothing can be done about that until his heart gets stronger. He's on medications and has to make some major life changes. No smoking, no drinking, no sodium and no more crazy building projects. Hopefully this will prolong his life.
Mike is really suffering emotionally. I just hug him as often as I can and be as much of a pillar as my small stature allows. It's my turn to be the strong one. I hope I don't fail him.

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