Marital Angst
* 2013-06-15 - 8:19 p.m. *

Starting to quiet the kiddos down for bed. Baby First evening programming always helps bring the kids out of their hyper play time, usually...
Mike went and crashed an anniversary party so it's just us girls again. A little disappointed that he didn't want to hang out with us tonight. He's been antsy all day. He helped me get the house in order this morning and we had a quickie while Emily was sleeping and Livy was engrossed in a movie.
We played outside with the kids and rode around on the ATV. I put together my famous onion burgers and Mike grilled them up.
It was a great day, only wish we could have stayed up together and watched a movie and cuddled...or something.
It is Shane and Angela's weekend without the kids so Mike always wants to spend time with them when he can. Angela is a bit of a control freak and never lets Shane have boys nights or do anything without her. She has major trust issues, I guess. Poor Shane is so unhappy these days.
Angela mentioned to me that Shane doesn't ever have sober sex with her.
Shane mentioned to me that he loves his wife but doesn't like her right now.
What a sad situation.
Well I have to go. Sleepy little girls are climbing on my lap.

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