Once a week
* 2013-07-18 - 8:42 p.m. *

It's hot in our house...
Our ac unit isn't big enough to keep the entire house cool, not to mention it's about to die.
It's still cooler in here then it is outside.
I'm so spoiled. I remember living in TX and not having ac at all. It would be 107 degrees during the day and 95 at night. Hell.
My kiddos are sleeping and the hubby is at his parents visiting with relatives from out-of-town. So I'm enjoying some silence and then I will close my eyes and dream about last night and the kinky things the hubby and I were going to do...
I hear this exhaustion phase that parents go through only lasts for a couple of years...right?
Sex once a week really sucks.
Well, good night.

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