* 2012-02-06 - 7:26 a.m. *

Sleep is getting better now that Emmy is going to bed earlier. Before, she would go down at 10:30 and I would have to wake up at 2:30am for work. Now I'm sleeping from 8:30 to 3am. It makes such a huge difference. Now if only I could get Livy to sleep the whole night....
She says our house feels bad and that's why she can't sleep.
I think I'm going to have to do some de-cluttering and some spiritual cleansing this week, starting with her room.
So....did I mention that I broke my toe a couple of weeks ago? I can't remember if I had or not....anyway, I broke my toe and it kills.
It doesn't help that I'm on my feet 12 hours a day. I'm hoping it gets better long does it take for a broken toe to heal?
Well as you can probably tell, things in the bedroom have been...sparse.
My lady bits didn't heal correctly so I have pain during "business time", and I know it would get easier with a little more frequency but I'm so tired ALL of the time. *pout*
I really want things to be back to normal and I'm sure the hubby feels the same way.
I can feel my libido waking up a little. I can't wait to be myself again.

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