Almost Normal
* 2008-07-25 - 11:58 a.m. *

It�s Friday.
Mike is driving to a far, far away place to do a show and I can�t go with him.
I have to work tomorrow.
I hate working on Saturdays.
But then Saturday night Elle and I are going to the other side of town to see my hubby play. It�s this neat bar that has 4 bars in it.
There�s a sports bar (where he�ll be) a dance club, a country bar and some kind of beach type place. Really neat.
More then likely we�ll be in the dance club the whole night. *grin*

So have I mentioned that I look like I�m 5 months pregnant?
My belly is so huge that even sucking it in doesn�t help anymore.
I only have 5 more steroid applications and then I�m done. And have I mentioned how awesome I feel lately? I actually have energy!!!
It could have something to do with the 500 calorie breakfast I have every morning.
Yup!! I have a sausage patty with a slice of cheese melted on top, oatmeal with cinnamon and a glass of pineapple juice. Mmm�..
Three hours later I have a banana.
Two hours after that I have a babybel. You know those little round cheese things that come in a wax covering? Fabulous. Sometimes I�ll have an apple with that.
Me! Eating an APPLE!!! Without having to cook it down or juicing it. I now have a whole drawer dedicated to apples.
Did I ever mention how sick apples used to make me?
Oatmeal used to make me ill too.
Lettuce�.well, lettuce still makes me feel sick but I still really love it. In small portions anyway.
I made myself this GIANT salad yesterday and man was I sick last night. Not cool.
I�m still rediscovering what I can eat now that I�m starting to feel like a normal person. I�m just hoping that once I get off of the steroids that I won't go back to the way I was before.
I like eating like a normal person.
I like feeling like a normal person.
Tonight I think I�m going to try pasta.
You know the high fiber �low carb� kind.
It�ll probably be just a quarter of a cup, but it will be the best thing ever. I just know it.

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