Aww daww!!!
* 2010-08-21 - 5:17 p.m. *

The baby�s eating supper so I finally have a little chance to write. Not much going on. Just been working and I�m going through a flare-up, so I�m exhausted and feverish all of the time. But other than that I�m doing really well.
The little one is staying at grandma�s and Mike is playing a wedding tonight so I get a night to myself. I�m going to treat myself to some sushi and I�m going to read. Sounds boring but I�ve been looking forward to it all week.
I have to work in the morning so I�ll have to be in bed really early.
I�m watching my little one drink out of a �big girl cup�. She�s doing so good.
That is until she starts dipping her dinner into it�.now it�s just gross. Oh well, I�ll just let her have her fun.
She hasn�t been eating much lately so anything that will get her to eat is a bonus.
And apparently mac n cheese tastes good in water�.
I may have to give her ANOTHER bath before the day is over.
I can�t believe my little one is going to be 17months. It seems like such a long time again and just like yesterday at the same time.
She�s saying so many things now.
Like bath, and cracker. Ice.
Mama and dada, of course; banana (nana), please and thank you.
She also argues with mama incoherently when she feels that things aren�t fair or not going her way.
Yesterday was her first real tantrum. She was exhausted and I was trying to get her to eat her supper. She shouts, �aww daww!� (all done) when she�s done eating and she hadn�t eaten a thing.
I told her that she couldn�t take a bubble bath, because she didn�t eat her food and she had a complete melt down.
I took her to the bathroom to wash her up and she screamed and balled the entire time. I then let her collapse on the bathroom floor and I left her there. �You can get up and come out whenever you are ready.�
She screamed and cried in that same spot for almost half of an hour.
She finally came out and we were there waiting for her with open arms.
She�s been amazing ever since.
I think she�s just trying to test us and she�s not getting very far. Poor kid. She got her stubbornness from mama AND dada, there�s no way she�s going to out maneuver us.
Well, she�s �aww daww!�

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