The Band is Getting Back Together!!!!
* 2009-10-17 - 7:22 p.m. *

The biggest thing to happen lately is that the original line up of Old Band is getting back together. All of us except Bruce, that is. He�s the reason why the band fell apart in the first place, so we really didn�t want him back anyway.
In his place, my hubby will be playing bass!
We�re having our first get-together tomorrow afternoon.
I�ve seen most of the boys this summer except for J, so it will be really nice to catch up.
We�ll have to come up with a new name and seriously update our set list.
Hungry Like the Wolf will be on the chopping block! *grin*
I�m so excited it�s ridiculous!!!!!
My list of songs:
I�m So Sick � Flyleaf
Du Hast � Rammstein
Spell Bound � Lacuna Coil
Come Together � Beatles
And a few others.

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