You put the banana in the coconut...
* 2007-10-02 - 11:48 a.m. *

Well, I didn�t have to be the devil last night. Yay!!!!
Because I have a sore throat. Booooo!!!!!!
Today I plan on taking it easy again, just so that I can recover fully.
I also decided to take the ice cream maker I got as a wedding present out of its box. I�m going to try a recipe that I was given from a friend.
It consists of two ripe bananas, two cups of coconut milk (the real stuff not the sugary crap) a cup and a � of yogurt and honey.
It�s supposed to be really yummy. We�ll see tonight.
I�ve been craving ice cream so badly lately. Can you believe it�s been almost 2 years since I last ate ice cream? What kind of horrible existence is that!

Man�.I could really use a blanket and a nice place to nap right now�..

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