It's been a while
* 2007-11-29 - 9:46 a.m. *

Mike's birthday present was awesome. *wicked grin* Just in case you guys were wondering.
I was on my way to the office this morning and I noticed a child walking backwards to the buss stop. She was wearing a big blue coat that fluffed out under her arms so that they seemed to defy gravity. Well one of her arms, the other was weighed down by a trombone case. As I got closer to her I noticed that she was counting or singing; her little lips were making dramatic statements and her cheeks, pink from the cold, would puff up a bit.
Right when I passed her, time slowed down a bit. This random, somewhat quirky, child was walking to her buss stop and I wondered if she liked going to school. I wondered why such a petite girl picked to play the trombone. Was it because she was a strong minded person that ignored the norm? Was it because her best friend played the trombone? Was it because her folks already had one in the basement?
And then the moment was gone. Just like that.
She was just another kid and I was on my way to work.
Starschmucks is keeping me fairly busy. I love the company, love the people, love the coffee� *grin*
I now have a favorite drink. *squeal* Grande soy sugar-free vanilla caramel macchiato. I KNOW! I�m all snooty now. Ok, it�s not my favorite it�s just the first drink I ever learned how to make. It has a special place in my heart.
I�ve missed you all a ton. So I�ll be slowly going through all of your blogs and hopefully I�ll be caught up by tomorrow.
I won�t be on the computer a lot though. I have to make out Christmas cards for our insurance customers and that�s going to take me all of today and part of tomorrow. I have the early morning shift at Starschmucks tomorrow so it�s going to be a very long day.
Mike�s band is playing tonight for the Pecker Vs Cowpoke game so I�ll be watching the game, eating some wings and shouting at the television screen with a bunch of people I don�t know at the bar he's playing at.
Yes�.I have become a football fan. It wasn�t easy to admit but it�s true. I think it�s because Mike is such a romantic and makes watching the game with him a lot of fun. *wink*
It started off with me reading a book on the couch with him while he watched the game. He would give me kisses and tease me so I always lost my place in the book. So then I started watching the game because it was useless to read. He still was very sweet and I found that I enjoyed sitting and staring at the game while he fondled me here and there. Then all of a sudden it started to click. The game was making sense�.
I understood some of the rules and the ones I didn�t understand I would ask Mike. He�s a great teacher and is really patient with me. So now, we have pig outs and we watch the game together. It�s kinda cool. Who knew I would ever enjoy football?
Of course�.when Mike isn�t around I would still rather read or watch a movie but at least I�m not a die hard hater anymore.

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