Black Friday
* 2008-11-03 - 10:58 a.m. *

I woke up Friday morning with cramps in my lower abdomen. I didn�t think much of it, �Baby must be growing.�
I went to work, it was a six hour shift, and the cramps were increasing.
I got to the office and went to the bathroom. I thought it was intestinally related, �Nope.�
When I got up I couldn�t help but notice the blood in the toilet.
I checked to see if maybe it was coming from my colon. It happens on occasion so it was the very first thing to came to mind�
I panicked.
I called my doctor, �I have cramps and I'm bleeding.�
�Come in to the hospital right away.�
Mike drove me and I met the doctor on call. My bleeding tapered off to spotting so I was feeling a little more relieved but there was still that fear. Something is happening to my baby.
He checked the baby�s heartbeat and I swear�.I don�t think I�ve ever heard anything more beautiful.
�Baby sounds healthy, let�s check to see if your cervix is dilated.�
Mike held my hand as the doctor had a look-see.
Man�.everything felt so tender.
�Hmm�everything looks fine, just traces of blood. I think this may be related to your disease. You need to be off your feet for the next couple of days. No sex, no exercise blah, blah, blah.�
All I could think about was that my baby was ok.
My baby is going to be just fine.

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