A Certified Crazy Person!!!!
* 2007-12-06 - 3:26 p.m. *

When I got home from my Sbux shift last night I was in tears. The person I was training with was getting most of the attention from our learning coach and I was kind of left to the wolves. They put me on register after only getting 10 minutes on it the previous day. I had no idea what I was doing and since the store was understaffed I had to wing it. And �wing-it� is exactly what I did.
When it was my turn to make drinks, my training buddy (who had the training coach help him with EVERYTHING) then went to the register where once again I was left to do stuff on my own while he got help. I had a line of drinks (about 7) that I had to make. I was pumping syrups, steaming milk and marking cups like a madwoman and no one really noticed that HELLO I�m NEW!!! I technically don�t know what I�m doing. Good thing I kinda kick ass at the making drinks thing. Sort of.
So I fended for myself (again), and my training buddy had people carry him.
I came straight to the office and cried on Mike�s shoulder for half an hour. He hugged and soothed me and told me I�m fantastic, which always makes me feel better. The being told I�m fantastic thing. I then went to my mother-in-laws where I was given a glass of wine and was once again told I was fantastic. I love my in-laws.
I was a little tipsy and and drove the 1.2 country miles to my home where I cuddled with the hubster and went to bed.
This morning I was really nervous about the certification we�re supposed to be going through and I went a little early to study.
I was on register for a little while and then I made drinks for the rest of the day. It�s amazing how much better I felt about stuff.
I�m in a much better mood today and I�m way more comfortable. Oh, and did I mention I�m a certified barista now????!!!! *grin*
Well, I�m off for a cocktail and some bar food in celebration. Everyone have a great weekend!
*hugs* X

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