Clone where
* 2008-02-20 - 5:53 p.m. *

I was confronted by my husband today.
�I miss you. I want my wife back.�
I just kind of stood there. What? Then I started crying.
I have gone away, haven�t I? The puppy came along and I disappeared.
He�s threatening to get rid of the dog if we can�t get a handle on things.
What�s going on, you wonder?
Well�.I�m tired all of the time.
I haven�t slept since December.
I work crazy hours. I'm not well....I wake up in the middle of every night to let the dog out and then wake up at 4am to go to work. Then I come home to a messy house and a needy puppy with a broken leg that needs me to keep it still in order for her leg to heal. And now with the cast off I have to be extra careful because she doesn�t have anything to protect her leg.
Granted she�s doing so much better now and I don�t have to be as watchful. Unfortunately my constant attention has spoiled her absolutely ROTTEN. I have scratches and bites all over my hands, arms, face and legs. I�m a fucking chew toy! I can�t take a break from her because she only wants me. The only time I get a break is when I put her in her kennel and then she barks until I let her out. Sometimes that could mean hours of her barking until she exhausts herself. That�s when Mamma�s favorite thing in the world comes into play�the Kong!
It�s a hollow rubber chew toy that I fill with treats and such to keep her quiet. I love it so much I�m going to get a couple more just so that I can always have one ready for her.

I need to get this whole thing under control. I need to make the dog mind. I need to figure out a way to get enough rest in order to keep up with my marriage, my job, the house, my illness and the puppy.

I need a clone.

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