Date Night with Amber
* 2009-06-12 - 5:01 a.m. *

Tonight we�re having a date night! I had a chance to go out on Monday night but Mike was working so we really didn�t get to spend time together. He sits at the laptop, running karaoke, and I sit at the bar, sip soda and dance around like a fool.
Tonight I�ll have his undivided attention, for the most part.
The only reason we�re having date night is because Mom really wants the baby over night. �I miss her so much. Is there any way she can stay overnight at Grandmas?�
Have I mentioned that I have the best in-laws in the world?
So Amber (formally known as Jamber) will be joining us. I�m hoping we�ll hit our favorite margarita bar and maybe get some food. We�ll see. Just as long as I get to spend time with my hubby.
We definitely miss each other these days. We try our best to make time for each other but baby takes up most of my time so things get interrupted. Movies, dinner, snuggle time on the couch, sex�.we try to do the best we can. It doesn�t hurt that the baby sleeps 6 hours a night, the hard part is GETTING her to sleep. Last night we started the bedtime process around 7:30 and she was finally out by 10:30. Granted there were plenty of half hour catnaps but she hates to sleep as much as her daddy does.
It�s so funny, she looks just like me but has her daddy�s personality down to a T. She�s way too strong willed and strong minded for a 9-week old baby.
Well, it�s 5am and I could probably get in at least one more hour of sleep.
Have a good weekend everyone! I'll probably be leaving silly messages on Twitter tonight. *giggle*

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