An end to debaucherous splendor
* 2008-05-27 - 2:28 p.m. *

I just went onto and bought some morning sickness stuff. A meditation CD, a tea and some kind of aroma therapy spray.
I have two more pills and then I�ll be completely off the birth control.
This last weekend was spent in debaucherous splendor. I spent Friday night with the love of my life. We had food and drinks and ended up at a friends karaoke gig.
Sloshed doesn�t even describe how drunk I was.
Saturday night was pretty fabulous as well. Elle came up to party with us and I think we stayed out until bar-close. I think I had at least 5 shots that night.
I had a list of things I wanted to do before I got knocked up.
1. Drink margaritas from my favorite margarita bar.
2. Drink way too much tequila.
3. Smoke a menthol cigarette.
4. Have a few shots of goldschlaugger.
5. Smoke a joint.
All done!
Sunday night we ended up having a party at the house, so we had a cook out and a bonfire. I didn�t drink but I did check item 5 off of my list.
I had to work the next morning so I made my way to bed around 10pm. I think the party ended sometime around 2am.
Did I mention that I love my friends?

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