* 2009-09-15 - 12:30 p.m. *

Things have been hectic lately.
Between the baby, keeping my hubby happy, sbux, teaching belly dancing and The Hands; I�ve been a very busy lady.
I can�t believe that my baby is 5 months old now�time goes by way too fast.
I�ve been dealing with some drama with Mike�s sister.
She�s such a sweetie, and I love her to pieces, but she can be a little too sensitive and has no sense of humor.
Once upon a time, a while back, a bunch of my girlfriends kidnapped me and took me out on the town before I got hitched. We shall call this kidnapping a bachelorette party.
Well a friend of mine mentioned it on facebook and Mike�s sister got very upset. Upset enough to remove me as a friend. Which I really didn�t care about, but then she pulls me off to the side and tells me how offensive my posts are and how hurt she was by me not inviting her to the party I really didn�t know about. Yeah�
I haven�t really had a chance to talk to her about it and clear the air but Mike had to let her have it when she came over to explain to him what�s been going on. That was over a week ago so who knows what�s going on with how she�s feeling about the whole thing.
The longer there�s no cleared air, the harder it is to breathe.
You know, I�m not good with family stuff. I�m really not that close to my family and I don�t know how to be with Mike�s family. I love Mike�s mom to bits but I can�t seem to get close to anyone else.
It doesn�t help that Mike�s sister isn�t someone that I would normally hang out with to begin with. I usually go to great lengths to stay away from people who get offended easily. I just don�t like the drama that comes with it, especially since I tend to be tactless most of the time.
Well I probably should get some dishes done and stuff while my angel is napping.

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