EPT and the ESP
* 2007-07-03 - 5:43 p.m. *

Yeah, yeah, second one today. I know! I'm just bursting to write and so here it goes. #2:
I�m debating on whether or not to buy a pregnancy test.
The possibility of me being preggers is very, VERY slim though.
I mean really slim. Like next to nil.
I�m exhausted. My iron count is fairly low. The only reason I�m making the low iron conclusion is because I�m bruising very easily. I barely bump up against something and I get an angry bruise.
I�m nauseated. ALL DAY nausea.
Every time I eat or drink something I get a turning kinda feeling in my tummy.
At the end of last week I nearly fainted twice and got really sick to my tummy when I would first wake up in the morning.
Now it�s if I don�t eat something as soon as I wake up.
I don�t have much of an appetite�.
Are you thinking what I�m thinking here?
Tummy flu? Maybe a very minor Crohn�s flareup?
I can�t really tell you if I�m late on my period (huge indicator) because I�m on this birth control pill that keeps me from getting my period except for 4 times a year.
I�m not due for another month.
My hormones are very steady. No mood swings or anything like that.
I am feeling a little more cuddly then usual but I think it�s from the great bang-chika-bang-bang I�ve been getting lately.
Huge possibility.
I did something really stupid.
Something I don�t even remember doing.
Apparently I gave someone a reading about their relationship and it wasn�t good. Mind you these people are very good friends of ours so this was a bad thing for me to do.
I told this to the male party of the duo and he went back and told his girlfriend. A huge fight ensues between them and now she thinks I�m trying to break them up.
I can�t for the life of me remember talking to him much less remember what I told him�.so I want to apologize but I don�t really know what to say. I�ve been analyzing it since I found out about it on Saturday night.
�I�m sorry about what I said. Even though I don�t remember and it�s more then likely true.� *raises hands up in a gesture of �I don�t know�*
How am I supposed to even know if it was true if I don�t remember it.
Well, the not remembering it is a good indicator.
I�m not psychic or anything like that but sometimes I say things that need to be said from �someone else� and lately it�s been stronger then usual.

But what if the guy misunderstood what I said?
�Dude, I�m sorry, about what happened last weekend but I can�t remember what I said. But are you sure you didn�t take it the wrong way?" I don�t know.
I called, left a message for him to call me back and he hasn�t. So no apologies have been made yet and I�m getting the feeling that they don�t want one from me.

Is there a way to bind a gift? I really would like to do that because all it does is get me into trouble.

�..So how about that pregnancy test?

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