* 2007-05-07 - 4:24 p.m. *

We�ve hit a huge bump.
Health Insurance.
Under COBRA law, people terminating their jobs can carry on their currant insurance, paying full price, for 18 months.
I pay $245 a month for insurance through my company for both Mike and myself. Full price is $1,095.95. My jaw dropped. How the fuck are we supposed to pay that? We�re just starting out!
I�m just in tears. I�m going to have to continue working in this hell hole until we can be eligible for HIRSP (high risk insurance) in 12 months.
If I do the numbers, we�ll have to pay an employee at least $18,000.00 for this next year�I�ll bring in my $18,000.00 minus taxes and insurance ($12,000.00) and lose $18,000.00 to someone else. What will that save us? $7,000.00? What a fucking dilemma�..
I was talking to Mike on the phone and I couldn�t get the words out, I just need to be in his arms right now. Fuck.
We need to sit and really discuss our options right now.

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