The good, the bad and the...
* 2008-09-25 - 4:32 p.m. *

I have some things to be happy about and some to be sad about.
Lets start with the happy things. Mike is in Chicago filming a commercial for the insurance company. They asked the top 10% sellers in the Midwest to be in it. It�ll air during the Sugar Bowl. Isn�t that awesome?

Baby is growing and I got to hear his heartbeat this week. I finally made it through the scary part of the pregnancy. Twelve weeks down and twenty-eight more to go.
My belly is getting bigger and I�m starting to actually look cute instead of just bloated.

Sad things:
The dog ate my cell phone.
Well, she didn�t exactly eat it, but it definitely is chewed up beyond recognition.
The good news is that it still works�.kinda�..
I don�t get very good reception out at home but it works fine in town.
Ever since I got a new ring tone, Little Bo has been going nuts over my phone.
�I kissed a girl, and I liked it��
She barks and jumps around and then she tries to play keep away by blocking me as I try to get to the phone.
It�s all fun and games to her.
Well, as forgetful as I am I left my phone and when I got home there it was in the middle of the living room�
I just about murdered Mike�s dog.
Yes, now she is Mike�s dog.
I won�t be getting a new phone any time soon.

And finally, my mom is never going to speak again.
I will never be able to hear her voice.
It started going away last year and it�s just been getting worse and worse.
I called Tuesday to give my dad an update on how my prenatal appointment went and my mom picked up the phone. She can�t do anything more then grunt and I tried to carry a one sided conversation with her. She got frustrated and sobbed on the phone with me.
Pregnancy is a time when women want to feel closer to their mothers. Ask the questions about what�s normal and what�s not. Did she get sick when she carried me? How did she handle the morning sickness and the back aches? Did she feel this incredible closeness that I feel with my baby? Did she worry about what kind of parent she was going to be?

I send her letters but I don�t get responses. I send her e-mails and that�s just useless.
I know she�s being stubborn about being sick but I need her right now.
Mom, I need you.

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