Greetings from TX
* 2002-01-01 - 2:07 a.m. *

Hello, my darlings! I�m at my folks right now. Texas is absolutely fabulous in December; 60 degrees as the low, 70 as the high. Doesn�t make me miss WI and its 17 degrees one bit.
Mike�s head cold is finally kicking it�. unfortunately, since we can�t keep our hands off of each other, the cold has made it�s home in me. Blasted cold. I�m on vacation PEOPLE!!! I can�t be sick right now!!!
I�m doing a really good job of keeping myself drugged up at the moment.

Things I�ve done since we arrived in TX.
1. Ate pan dulce. (Empanadas are heaven)
2. Played dominoes with the family.
3. Hung out with my 13 year old cat Luna.

Things I still need to do:
1. Eat at K-Bobs
2. Go to Ropers (a hick bar/club that used to be popular when I was younger but I was never old enough to go.
3. Have a Whataburger.
�..And some other things that I can�t remember right now.
Well, I have to cut this short.
Love you All!!!!

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