X Has Got Her Groove Back
* 2009-06-15 - 9:53 p.m. *

This weekend was pretty fabulous. The hubby and I had a great time Friday night. We met up with some friends out of town. Karaoke, sassy dancing, fun summery/fruity drinks�
Amber ended up not coming out, but that was fine. Mike and I had so much fun it was ridiculous and apparently I still have the kavorka. My hubby couldn�t keep his hands off. *grin*
I wasn�t just impressing the hubby though. *wink* I had a gentleman dedicate his karaoke rendition of Baby Got Back to me. LOL Yeah, I have a really big ass, what of it?
Not to mention the loads of shots that were bought for me after I smoked the hell out of I�m So Sick by Flyleaf.
Mike had to carry me home at the end of the night.
The down side is that I had to dump all the milk I pumped the whole day afterwards. What an absolute waste.
On Sunday our beautiful angel baby was baptized. The ceremony was so simple and so perfect. Grandma recorded it for me but it�s kind of funny because she would put down the camera to pray so all you see is the pew in front of her during a couple of spots. I laughed so hard. She�s so damn cute! I�ll try to get that on Facebook soon.
I am just so happy and grateful for my beautiful family. Now I�m more then sure that the crap I was experiencing before was just post partum depression. Now that my hormones are leveling out, I�m where I thought I would be. I had all of these expectations of being happy and totally in love with life after my baby was born; when it didn�t happen exactly that way I was crushed. It just took me some time. Now I�ve finally found my groove and things are wonderful.
I don�t want to run away and I don�t want to kill my husband. Things are awesome in the X household.

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