NonStop Jibber-Jabber
* 2013-06-14 - 5:32 p.m. *

Livy never stops talking....seriously. She talks nonstop.
After a long day at the bux (6am-2:30pm) all I want is some peace and quiet. Instead I get a nonstop jibber-jabber-er.
"Mommy, blah blah and blah and do you think blah and can I blah and if i had a baby brother I would this and Emmy that. Emmy I have a great Idea, blah blah blah and...."
Emmy then shouts, "All done!!!!" On the top of her lungs since she is done eating. "Oh Mama!!!! All Done!!! Oh MOMMYYYYY!!!!! ALL DONE!!!!" Hands flailing above her head.
Livy joins in the "All Done!!!" Chorus. Never mind that I am sitting right next to them.
Now faces and hands are washed, leftovers are in the dogs bowl and paper plates are in the garbage.
Easy clean up and all I want to have is a warm cup of coffee to warm myself up a little and enjoy a little quiet. Of course the kids don't agree.
My need for solitude is not being met right now. It's starting to put my teeth on edge.
Doesn't help that the PMS Queen is rearing her ugly head.
Next weekend is my birthday weekend!!
I'm really looking forward to having three days off.
Friday night will be spent with the hubster running karaoke.
Saturday will be spent with the kiddos and then we will have a camp-out in either the living room or the basement. So excited.
Sunday will be just a nice day with the family and on Monday (my actual birthday) will be spent at the spa having a nice and quiet alone day. I may even go clothes shopping. *grin*
Well I think my time-out is done.
Back to being a mommy.

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