* 2007-07-18 - 4:39 p.m. *

It�s raining. Bright lightening flashing with huge booms of thunder that make the bottoms of my feet vibrate.
It makes me want to curl up in a blanket and read something sassy.
Speaking of sassy, I woke up from the most erotic dream, feeling it in all my naughty parts. Unfortunately I was too tired to actually do anything about it.
Isn�t that awful? So by the time I was awake enough I had lost it.
Not completely though. *wicked grin*
I�m thinking that I�m going to be taking out the toys for a little game later on. Mike will LOVE it.
Oh, I went and got a photo taken for my passport! I don�t know when we�ll be getting out of the country but I�m hoping that it will be sometime soon. We do have those two free airline tickets��..

So I started to drink kombucha tea. To help get myself a little closer to remission. It tastes a little funky but so far it�s been really helping me.
I buy the store bought stuff and I really should just be making it at home, but something is better then nothing right?
Wow�I�ve been so tired lately.
Tired, hungry and crabby.
I want to go home early today�I wonder if the boss will let me. *wink*

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