Me a lead singer??? Nah.....
* 2008-04-23 - 5:06 p.m. *

I �sauntered� into Knights bar around 8pm or so. I hadn�t had anything to drink but I was wired due to the large amount of food I had eaten at dinner (two humongous tacos and lots of chili con queso). We met our dear friends Jamber (Jay & Amber) there and the mood was a little�.Meh. I was beginning to have problems breathing and I started hacking (the first signs of the lousy bronchitis I'm dealing with right now). So I took some ephedrine to help me breathe (compliments of the very hot Amber, seriously, she looked really amazing) and drank a lovely vodka & diet coke�.and then another�.
Next thing I know, ol� Jed�s a millionaire and I�m sloshed off my ass.
We were singing Karaoke and my favorite local radio station was there. They�re starting up this house band for their radio station and there�s this contest going on to find the lead singer. That night was round one of the competition. Of course I had no intention of entering. I�m going to be a big, fat pregnant heifer in the next few months so why would I do that? Well, give me enough vodka and I�d probably enter just about anything.
I don�t really know how I did and I don�t know if I made it to the next level, but I felt like a young little thing again, which was very nice.
I do recall the DJ pushing me into entering though, �Don�t you want to be in a band with me?�
�You know I would, Man, but I�m going to be fat and prego soon.�
�That�s ok, we�ll only play once in a while.�
Well�.I�ll keep you guys posted on how I did. *grin* I do kinda want to be in a band again.
Hey, an old married lady can have high hopes, right?

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