The Longest Day Ever: Part 2
* 2007-08-02 - 11:23 a.m. *

�If you�re bored, then you�re boring.�
I guess I�m boring.
I just went into the bathroom and played with my hair for five minutes.
I got two phone calls and they were both wrong numbers.
I have some things to do, like clean upholstery but I�m really not in the mood.
I did call my sweetums and he�s nearly to his destination. Then he�ll have a couple of hours to eat lunch and do some last minute studying.

So I did a major no-no and purchased a rice lunch thingy. It came with a cute little spork that is detachable in the middle. I didn�t use it. It�s too novel. I�m thinking I�m going to keep it in my purse, just in case�.
I mean who knows when you�ll be in need of a detachable spork?
One day I�ll be in some strange conundrum and feeling MacGyver and I�ll say something like, �Man! All I need is a spork and I could get out of this situation,� and there it will be! A spork!
I tell you what. I�m a genius.

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