Ass Man is having a look-see
* 2008-07-16 - 9:53 a.m. *

I�m going into the hospital today to have the Ass Man look under the hood. I checked my blood pressure this morning 96 over 74 or something like that.
Mike has been running on the dangerous side of high. Is it because he�s stressed? Or the chewing tobacco habit he�s picked up? �I only chew when I drink.� Well that�s been a little more then usual in the last couple of months.
It could be the vast amounts of ephedrine he uses to keep himself going between and during gigs.
If it�s not the band it�s the karaoke.
Ken�s step mom died last night.
Ken is our good friend that we borrow the karaoke equipment from. He asked if we could run it tonight.
�Of course.�
Mike hasn�t really caught up on sleep since this weekend. I don�t even know if I can help him tonight. You know, because of the whole camera up the ass thing with the anesthesia and stuff.
I�m normally not well for a good day afterwards.
I made him a diagram of the laptop setup.
He should be able to do it on his own�..
If not I can always just go in for the setup tonight and then go home. We�ll see how I�m feeling by then.
Ken, his fianc� Shine, Mike and I were going to Minneapolis this weekend but that�s going to be a no go.
I�m kind of glad though. I knew it was going to be a crazy weekend and Mike is definitely going to need some rest.
I�m thinking we�re going to have a movie weekend. Sounds nice, doesn�t it?

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