Mommy Pep Talk
* 2010-05-31 - 8:20 p.m. *

Days like today I feel like such an awful mom.
I�m just so tired and all I want is for her to go to sleep.
I put her in her crib and she doesn�t even seem tired, but I can�t watch her anymore.
She�s such a busy body and poor mama is running around after her. I just need to sit and unwind from my day. Maybe take a long shower.
But at this very moment, she is screaming on the top of her lungs and all I want is for her to magically go to sleep.
Please, Baby. Mama is delirious.
She�s going through a whining stage, but I think she only does it with me.
Compared to Grandma and Dada, I�m a no-nonsense disciplinarian. It almost seems like I�m impatient. Maybe I am. I�m trying.
When I see my sweetykins walking around with a sharp object, I don�t talk her into handing it to me. She�s 13months. �Give that to me, that is not yours.�
Screaming and crying follows and mama walks away.
I suck.
I just don�t like the tantrums. If she wants to throw one, mama isn�t going to pay attention.
I don�t coddle.
I need to give myself a pep talk.
X, you are a GREAT mom.
You love your baby very much!
You would die right at this very moment in order to give her one of your organs if she needed one.
You praise her achievements. You lavish her with ungodly amounts of love.
It�s ok to be tough.
Someone has to, might as well be you.
*deep sigh*
I think I feel better�.and listen to that. I think she fell asleep.
Now I�m going to take a long hot shower and go to bed. FINALLY!!!!!

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