"Narco!" "Pollo....."
* 2008-08-13 - 2:28 p.m. *

I�m feeling really good.
Amazing actually.
I�m still taking my Meds (my ass doctor nearly had a heart attack when I mentioned the possibility of stopping them now that I�m pregnant) because they apparently don�t effect the rest of my body except my colon. And I really need to keep my innards happy in order to keep my baby happy and healthy.
Mike and I also didn�t know about the whole waiting a trimester before telling people. In my family it�s customary to tell everyone you can, especially pious people, about an early pregnancy in order to get a lot of prayers and healing energy. Mike�s family really doesn�t follow any custom, so we just kind have been telling people as we go. I have to constantly remind people that I can�t drink right now. �No, really. I don�t want a shot.�
�It�s chilled Southern!�
�Nope, I can�t.�
�Why? Are you pregnant??????�
Good thing we�re not superstitious.
And to my sweet Violetsmile, I�m so glad we get to do this together!! How fabulous is this??
And about the conception being on July 19th. Yup, that�s the day I recall thinking to myself (after a super awesome romp, the second that day) I think I�m knocked up.

Well I had my first bout of morning sickness this morning.
The nausea woke me up and I made it to the toilet in time to lose my empty stomach.
Dry heaves suck.
Ate some Bear Naked brand granola and I�ve been right as rain ever since.
I think I�m going to have to have a snack after my regular 2am visit to the bathroom from now on.
I hope the sickness thing doesn�t get any worse.
*crossing fingers*

Mike is amazing.
He�s so super understanding and does everything he can to make me feel comfortable and appreciated.
I�m totally spoiled!

This weekend he�s playing in Door county (for two nights) and I�m coming with.
There are rooms above the bar and that�s where we plan on staying. That way I can watch the band until I get worn out and then I can just go up to bed.
Speaking of being worn out�I swear I have become a narcoleptic.
I�ll sit on the couch for a second, you know to tie my shoes and then BAM! Two hours will have gone by and I have no idea that I had even fallen asleep. The only indication is the soreness in my neck from having it cocked in an odd position.
I drag myself around at work, hoping that I don�t fall asleep in someone�s latte.
I tried to write an entry the other day and fifteen minutes later I found myself slumped over my key board with this :jssssssssssssssssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkkkklddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
As my entry. Except it wasn�t just a line or two, nope it was an entire novel.
This girl needs to find some personal nap time.
This working two jobs and being prego is not working well for me right now.
Well, I think I�m going to lie me head down on my desk and take a little nap.

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