* 2014-08-15 - 2:56 p.m. *

In about 6 hours I will be running a nightlite 5k with my buddy Sunshine. I bought tons of glow stick jewelry and am pretty hyped.
At this very moment my hubby is on his way to a music festival in MN so it will be just me and the girls this weekend. My babies are staying the night at Grandma's tonight and tomorrow night. I'm planning on taking the girls to the wild life sanctuary tomorrow morning after I pick them up. I'm going to make a fun little picnic snack and bring some left over bread for the ducks. I'm hoping the weather will be nice. I also plan on taking the girls and the dog for a bike ride around the neighborhood. Then back to grandma's.
You know, I love summer but I hate the hectic weekends. Mike takes off all of the time. He's constantly making plans with his friends and I'm stuck either because I have to work or because there isn't a child care option. I'm lucky that Mike's parents are so eager to help with the girls but they have plans and deserve to have their time as well. I feel awful about how much we take advantage of them. Mike didn't even want to ask his parents if they could watch the girls this weekend. "You ask them."
"No, you need to ask them. I had planned on running this 5k months ago and you decided that you were going to go gallivanting with your friends without considering my plans. I also need to work on Sunday. YOU need to ask your parents."
I think he answered with throwing a pillow at my head...and I'm sure a tickle fight ensued. Did not make me happy, but I tell you what, HE talked to his parents. *sticks tongue out*
So there...
Anyway, now I sit at the office and wait for 5pm to come so that I can close this bitch up and make my way to the 5k. I plan on getting there a little early and having a glass of wine first. I KNOW!!!! I should be hydrating or some other BS but I have yet run a race sober. I'm not going to start tonight.

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