Nothing Special
* 2007-07-09 - 3:24 p.m. *

Not really much to write about today. I got up this morning. Headed into the office, made coffee and answered a couple of work e-mails. The hubster has been working on insurance quotes and I�ve been keeping myself busy with the filing system, stapling business cards to brochures and running errands.
I can�t believe how much I�ve gotten done today.
Hopefully my sugar will let me leave a little early so that I can take a nice walk and make dinner. *crossing fingers*
So I�m going to be putting up a vault soon, just a place to put some of my more intimate moments and various bitching without having my private stuff out in the open. I don�t know when I�ll get around to it, but if anyone wants the password, when it�s done, just let me know.
Hmm�.I think that�s it for now.

Oh! And I'm not preggers. A little disappointed yet relieved at the same time. It definitely isn�t in the plan to get knocked up until sometime next year.

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