Pet the Pussy
* 2007-10-29 - 12:24 p.m. *

I finished my cat woman costume just in time. I looked fairly good, if I do say so myself. I�ll post pictures in the next couple of days.
Some things said that night:
Elle: �Mike, can I touch your pussy?�
Mike, after commenting on his soar throat: �I guess there�s no kissing Pussy tonight.�
Some stranger: �Here, puss, puss.�

Elle and I drank too much, way too quickly and we ended up crashing over at J&Amber�s house around 1am.

I then got violently ill (not because I was drunk) and Amber was there to help me a bit. She wanted to call 911 but I assured her that this kind of thing happened all of the time and it would pass. And sure enough it did.
I then snuggled into her very cozy guest bed with Elle on one side of me, Amber on the other.
I love bed parties.
That�s when people start talking about their life�s ambitions and how many kids they want�.or don�t want. Amber and Elle both have boys around the same age and they were giving me advice and such.
Amber was really freaked out about my health and was wondering if it was a good idea to have a baby right now. That�s the third person I really care about that has advised me to wait.
�I don�t think you could handle the first trimester.�
Elle was agreeing whole heartedly, although I don�t know if she was sober enough to REALLY understand the conversation.

Right now I�m on my very last packet of birth control pills and I�m wondering if I should get a renewal on my prescription or not.

It�s something I need to meditate and pray on.

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