* 2007-10-30 - 11:37 a.m. *

This one is a picture entry. Hopefully it comes out alright.

First off, here�s me and my darling! If you can�t tell, he�s a juke box. I had to practically pin him down so that he would let me put eye makeup on him. *wicked grin*

Here are us girls; Elle, Amber and myself.

Here�s Amber and J.

Miss Elle being hot as Little Red Riding Ho.

Liza in her costume. The button says, �This button is my costume.�

Here�s the band. Mike looks agitated, because he is. That�s pretty much the story behind that one.

Myself and Elle.

And here I am being a good lap kitty. *grin*

Ok�so I wanted to put this in because it�s one of my favorite pictures and I just discovered it yesterday in my camera. It�s from New Years last year.

Love it.

Well, everyone have a fantastic day!

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