Pigs were flying
* 2007-04-25 - 3:41 p.m. *

I went ahead and told my supervisor that there�s a possibility of me leaving. It�s still kind of up in the air. Mike seems to think that the whole thing can be pulled right from under us�
God, I hope not.
So anyway, come mid June I will be officially unemployed.
My supervisor actually shed tears but was very supportive. We�re all so close, so it�s going to be really hard to leave my job.
Hate the job; love the people.
They were here with me, handing me tissues, during my divorce (not even the people I considered friends did that). They were happy for me when I started dating again. They were thrilled when I met Mike. They threw me a wedding shower. They�re all excited about me starting a family�
I�ll still see Elle on a regular basis, but I�m going to miss everyone else so much. *sigh*
One thing I won�t miss about my job though is the annual health assessment. Today they took more blood from my sore arm that was pricked twice last week. They couldn�t use my other arm because it�s impossible to find my vein. Fuckers�.
Good news though! I�m taller! Like half an INCH taller!! I am now 5� 3 1/4�!!! How does that happen? I was always told that I was 5� 2 � ��.
I was barefooted so it couldn�t have been my shoes.
Unfortunately I still have a big ass. My measurements are 36� 29� 36 ��.
I might as well appreciate my pre-pregnancy body while I have it, because one day that will just be a memory�..

I went to Hell today. Yes, the Department of Motor Vehicles.
It was deserted. Not a single soul. I guess Pigs have decided to fly and Hell (the DMV) froze over.
It didn�t seem very cold but it was definitely desolate. As soon as I was given a number, it was called. Just like that, �M323, please come to counter number 4.�
I looked at my number again, yup M323. That�s me.
Did I mention that my hubster was there? He had to go in to register his vehicle and gave me a ring when he discovered that pigs were flying somewhere.
He sat with me as I waited a full 5 minutes to get my picture taken. DAGH! �Picture? But you already have a picture of me!�
Now they take pictures of you EVERY time you go into Hell. What kind of crap is that?
I had decided to wear my glasses that day, my hair was a mess and I didn�t have an ounce of makeup on.
I searched through my purse for some lip gloss and made sure to dab a little on my eyelids along with my chapped lips. I took off my glasses and tried to smooth my hair out a little. I asked Mike, �How do I look?�
�Like the most beautiful creature that has ever walked the earth.�
I shouldn�t have asked him, he�s kind of biased.
So I stood in front of the camera and had my picture taken. I look drunk in the picture. *sigh*
Hell I tell you. H-E-L-L.

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