Prayers for Scotty
* 2007-12-21 - 12:23 p.m. *

Tonight we're celebrating Amber and Elle's birthdays. Unfortunately Elle won't be joining us. You know that stomach flu Mike and I had last week? Yup....Elle and son have it now. I don't envy them one bit.
I'm just about done with all of my x-mas shopping. I have a few friends that I still need to get gifts for but I think I'm going to pick them up in Texas.
Mmm.....Raspberry mocha.......
Sorry, I was distracted.
Today is Scotty's trial. Mike and I are going to be there. I think Mike's going to testify as a charecter witness. (man my spelling is crap right now and I don't have spell check!!!)
We'll see what happens.
Anyway, I'll try to write another update before my trip.

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