Random Stuff
* 2011-12-13 - 7:16 a.m. *

It's been difficult keeping my time balanced between the two girls. Emily is two months now and wants to be entertained on a regular basis. She gets bored easily and then cries until we play with her or put her in a different contraption to keep her attention. I remember Livy being the same way...except at three or four months.
So between the two of them there is a ton of crying. What can I do? If one has my attention, the other is just going to have to wait. Poor kiddos.
Mike and I took the girls to see Santa yesterday. It was Livy's first time and she was hanging on to our fingers so tightly I thought I would never get circulation back. When it was her turn, she sat on his lap and asked for a wand. She then "ho-ho-ho"ed which really delighted everyone. She's such a ham. Emily was really good too. She sat on the other side of Santa and was super alert. She didn't cry once. I'm such a proud mama.
Well, I had a chance to see the band this weekend. Mike was so sick along with everyone else; but they did awesome. I drank a couple of shots and a vodka drink and was doing fine, and then I pumped. Who knew that lactation could get you drunk?
It was a little embarassing but I had a blast. I even got to sing a little. I really miss being in a band...
Mike and I are going to get our project going once the girls are a little older. We're going to make it a trio because I suck at accoustic and Mike can only play rhythm. So we're bringing Randy on board. He's a great guitar player and he's a family man too, so he'll have to have the same schedule that we do. I'm getting really excited about it. It will be a nice way to release some of this creative energy I have bottled up.

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