The Wheels on the bus go Round and Round
* 2013-03-06 - 7:48 p.m. *

He stood over me, his blue green eyes piercing into mine. "Do you have any idea how crazy you make me?"
Nope...I guess I never really thought about it. He pushed me down on the bed and cupped my face in his hands. "Why do I feel like you are upset with me?" I felt like I was missing something. First we were going to get frisky and then everything became very intense.
He studied my face for a moment and gently carressed my lips with his thumb. I sucked it into my mouth which invoked a little moan. I ran my fingers along the hard muscles of his stomach and then gently pushed him away. Serious conversations about my emotional and physical health weren't exactly what I had in mind but I knew that was the direction things were headed.
What can I say? Everyone's priorites and aspiratons come before mine.
That's what happens when you becom a wife and mother.
At least I get my way in the bedroom...most of the time....when I'm not exhausted....and little people aren't crying for milk....or water....or the bathroom.
What exactly has been going on since the last time I wrote here?
I lost more baby weight which is pretty awesome. I'm at a healthy 137 at the moment and feel pretty good about myself. I can't wait to be able to exercise again!! I have been dealing with severe pain in my right knee due to a loose ligament and it's finally starting to heal. Dr. Chris (chiroptractor and friend) seems to think I'll be able to be a little more active in a few weeks.
I'm also about to become a certified coffee master. I've been working on it since August. It's been such an amazing experience and soon I'll have a black apron to reward all of my hard work.
My kids keep me super busy and their mischief is making me lose some of my hair. Girls...
Mike and I are super happy. We just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and things are so amazing with us. He still is, and always will be, my world. I'm a lucky girl.
Not going to lie, I've been feeling a little isolated lately. I don't see my friends as much and I'm also missing my alone time. I played on my guitar for a little while yesterday and I can't help but miss playing music other than wheels on the bus or mary had a little lamb.
I just have to keep in mind that these early years with my kids are precious and I'm not giving up my time with them for any reason.
My Livy Love is starting 4k next year....
It breaks my heart a little.
My babies are growing up.

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