The second most boring day ever...
* 2007-08-16 - 10:44 a.m. *

Today will be ANOTHER boring day.
Mike is going to Milwaukee to take the second part of his securities exam.
Granted I have a ton of things to do but I�m going to be here all by my lonesome.

I have to come up with a recipe for Amber�s shower on Sunday�.I was going to give her my Picco de Gallo recipe but it�s not exactly a recipe for a meal. Maybe I�ll give her my ceviche recipe�.
Mike just swung by and recommended my chorizo and egg taquitos.
Maybe I�ll give her both.
And he�s out the door. *pout*

Things to do today:
Write up recipes on word.
Make a couple of quotes.
Clean the spare office out for our possible new hire. More on that later.
Fill in customer file folders with coverages and such.
Send out thank you cards to our recent customers.

Now about our possible new hire. He came in yesterday for an interview; has life & health, property & casualty licenses. Very easy to get along with. Has a lot of contacts and works with a mortgage company part time so there will be lots of customer generation from that as well. We�ll find out by the end of the week if he�s coming on board or not. *crossing fingers* He really wants to but he had a couple more interviews that he wanted to go to. I pray that the other jobs suck. Please pray with me. May the other jobs suck, may the other jobs suck.
Well, I�m off. Loads to do.

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