Sleepy is not Sexy
* 2011-12-21 - 7:09 a.m. *

It was 9pm and I was washing bottles when I suddenly felt like I was falling. You know the feeling when you have the ground being ripped from under you? Yup...I had fallen asleep. Standing up. While washing baby bottles.
Mike was at a "Hands" get together with a whole bunch of agents and of course I had to be home alone with the kids. Not really a big deal except for the fact that I was so tired I couldn't stay awake to wash bottles. So the kids were finally down by 9:30 and I was in bed, asleep, shortly after.
Then I felt warm hands touching me and was fabulous. My panties weren't even on anymore. *grin*
I couldn't wake up. *pout*
I do remember having telling Mike that I was so tired, "I fell asleep while I was washing dishes." So he just held me and I was dead to the world. Sexy, I know.
It's 7:30am and it's so dark out. I can't wait for the sun to start coming out sooner.
I go back to work next week. I have mixed feelings about it. To be honest, I'm really happy to be going back. I can't wait to get out of this house and to have some time away from the kids. This mama is a very independent person and having little people dependent on me is a bit difficult. At the same time, I do enjoy hanging out with my brats and I'm going to miss our everyday routine. Especially this part; sitting with Livy snuggled on my lap while I sip coffee and type in my diary. Well I'll only be working 20 hours a week so I'll have a few days that we can chill and be happy. It's the perfect balance for me. I could never be a stay-at-home mom. It would drive me crazy.
Well, Emmy is waking up. Feeding time!

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