Slip up
* 2010-01-11 - 8:45 p.m. *

Well we kind of slipped up on the whole birth prevention thing. I�m sure that nothing will come from the situation but I�m on antibiotics and we got careless.
And you know what? I�m really not freaking out about it. Actually, if for some reason I were to get knocked up in the next year, I don�t think I would mind it much. Granted I think I would like to wait until our angel is 2 before we conceive but if it happens sooner�.am I crazy?
I was just ranting, just a week ago or so, that I was definitely NOT going to have another baby in the near future�.
Yup, I�m crazy.
Well, we�ll see what happens.
I�ll keep you updated.

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