* 2011-12-16 - 7:14 a.m. *

If it weren't for my VIA ready brew coffee and my sugar-free hazelnut syrup I would be a mess.
What am I talking about, I AM a mess. I remember when six hours of sleep was more than enough. I was in my twenties; six hours is a cruel joke.
Huh....it snowed last night. There's a nice powdered sugar coating on the driveway but the grass is still green. It kind of reminds me of home.
This christmas is turning out to be a little more difficult than I had hoped. The holidays were so important to my mom. She would go to such great lengths to make christmas magical for the kids.
This christmas seems a little empty without her in the world.
It's funny, even though we don't see people or are a part of their lives, just knowing that they are alive and well makes it seem like they are still a part of you. When they're gone...
My kids are so needy today.
*rolls eyes*
Whining and crying.
Crying and whining.
If its not one, it's the other.
Not to mention the dog...
They are ALL spoiled.

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