Time Share Thingy-Do
* 2007-10-01 - 10:19 a.m. *

I just had a fabulous weekend with my hubby. It was an orgy of food and sex that left my senses reeling.
Mike had a sense that our relationship bank account was being heavily withdrawn on his part and he needed to make some deposits. He�s such a guy sometimes. A very sweet guy.
But the analogy does work. Relationships really are like bank accounts. We each make deposits and withdrawals but we have to always make sure that the account is full. If one person takes and takes and the other person gives and gives, well the person that�s always giving is going to have to get a loan from somewhere else, if you know what I mean. Either get a loan or close the account all together.

So back to my weekend of being pampered.
I also had to take part in a high pressure, time share, thingy-do. We got two free plane tickets to either Vegas or Cancun and a two night stay at some 5 star resort. We of course ended up saying no to the time share thing.
We wanted to seriously think it over and sleep on it but the more our sales person pushed, the more we disliked the idea. Pushy people annoy me. So we took our gifts and left. Bastards�.
But I was treated to an awesome lunch�.and dinner�.and another lunch�.and more of this and that. I�m surprised I didn�t gain 10 pounds over the weekend!
Actually I lost a few more but I�m on the upswing of this flare-up so things will be good in no time.
Unfortunately all of this pampering and �such� has left me with Mike�s cold.
So I�m probably only going to be at the office for a little while, and then I�m going home to my warm bed and a humidifier. At least until it�s time to come back and become the devil for a couple of hours.
I hate telemarketing!!!!!

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