Thursday Night
* 2007-08-17 - 12:57 p.m. *

I�m a little hung over today.
I don�t really understand it. I had 1 drink and a couple of shots at the beginning of the night and drank water for the last three hours before driving us home. I felt fine. I was totally sober. Today�.meh.
Maybe it�s from lack of sleep and being in smoky bars all night.
So the reason for going out was to celebrate the fact that my honey passed the second half of his securities test!! Yay!!!!!!
He was so excited when he called me, �I passed!!!�
�I knew you would.�
�I was sure I wasn�t going to. It was HARD! So I guess we�ll be going out for some celebratory drinks and then we�ll come home for some masturbatory sex.�
�Sounds like a plan.�

I was loving his energy. He was so upbeat and happy. I hadn�t seen him like that in a very long time. Unfortunately my night got turned around.
I guess I was getting low blood sugar and didn�t even notice it. That�s been an issue lately due to having a bit of a flare up. Don�t tell Mike though. I don�t want him worrying about stuff he can�t do anything about. Although he�s been sending me home in the evenings every day because, �You look awful. Are you ok?�
Can�t keep anything from him. I just tell him I�m tired and I go home and play house for a while.
Have I told you how much I love being home in the afternoons?
I get to clean things, and make dinner, and play with the cat, and buy groceries�.
I was born to be a homemaker but have never had a chance until now. At the same time I get to contribute to the family welfare by office managing and selling policies and such. This is the most fulfilled I�ve ever felt. I just want to scream, �GIRL POWER!!!�
I am woman hear me roar,
With numbers blah, something, ignore,
Blah blah blah! Yeah�
Ok, so I can�t sing that particular song, much less fake lyrics, but you get the drift.
So where was I going with all of this????
Oh yeah! My blood sugar last night. I was happy and dancing around at the karaoke bar one minute and the next it was like I was possessed. I was hostile and mean and ready for a fight. And it continued for the rest of the night and it gradually got worse and worse. Mike finally asked me what I was really mad about when I started bitching about something stupid.
I couldn�t really tell him. Then I started feeling dizzy.
�Ok, time to feed your tummy I think.�
Sure enough, after a quick munch I was doing much better.

So there you have it. My Thursday night.
Have a great weekend everyone. Be safe.

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