I'm not Vain, I'm just.....vain.
* 2007-09-20 - 12:14 p.m. *

I made it home around 2pm yesterday. I bought some grocery necessities and since I was in the mood to spoil my darling, I bought him some goodies. Goodies means, stuff that I shouldn�t have in the house because I�ll probably eat them.
But, my will power has been really good lately so I didn�t think twice when I plopped some cookies, funnions and a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream in my cart, along with some frozen pizzas and other frozen things he enjoys.
Anyway, so I get home around 2, put away the groceries and decide to lay down for a second. That second turned into 1.5 hours. Just like that. I was dead to the world.
I actually woke up a little scared due to how hared I had slept. It was like I was in a coma.
I called Mike and told him I wasn�t up for being the devil (telemarketer) that night and went to work on making vegetable beef soup and almond bread.
I tried some new bread pans for my bread. These were smaller but taller then the one I use now. I wanted to be able to make sandwiches that were square instead of oblong. It�s hard to find ham and cheese that are made in long rectangle shapes.
So yeah�.not very interesting.
Well, I have some exciting things happening this weekend. I get to be dolled up and have a good time with dear friends.
One ucky thing though.
You know that scuffle I had with Scotty? Well now I have these huge scratches and ugly bruises on my left arm. And since my dress is spaghetti strapped, I�m not going to be able to hind them. I�ve been putting tons of antibacterial ointment on the scratches but they�re still a little pink and swollen.
I�m hoping that they�ll be a little better by Saturday or else it�s totally going to clash with my dress!
Yes, my vanity sometimes even amazes me�.

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